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How To Smudge Your Home

Smudging is an ancient practice that involves burning herbs, such as sage, to purify and cleanse a space of negative energy. It's a simple and effective way to create a peaceful and harmonious environment in your home. Here's how to smudge your home:


1.      Gather your materials: You will need a sage bundle, a fire-proof bowl, matches or a lighter, and a feather or fan. You can also use other herbs like sweetgrass, cedar, or palo santo.


2.      Open all the windows: Before you begin, open all the windows and doors in your home to allow the negative energy to escape.


3.      Light the sage: Light one end of the sage bundle with a match or lighter and allow it to burn for a few seconds. Then blow out the flame so that the sage is smoldering, producing smoke.


4.      Start at the front door: Begin at the front door of your home and work your way through each room, using the feather or fan to waft the smoke into every corner and crevice. As you smudge, focus on your intention of purifying and clearing the space.


5.      Pay attention to your intuition: Trust your intuition and pay attention to any areas of your home that feel particularly heavy or stagnant. Spend extra time smudging these areas to release the negative energy.


6.      End with a prayer or affirmation: Once you have finished smudging your home, you can end with a prayer or affirmation to seal the positive energy.


7.      Be safe: Be sure to smudge in a safe manner, with fire safety measures in place and away from flammable materials.


Smudging your home is a powerful way to create a peaceful and harmonious environment. It's a simple and effective way to purify and cleanse your space of negative energy, and it's something you can do as often as you feel is necessary. Remember to always trust your intuition and focus on your intention of purifying and clearing the space.